There is still even more Good News once a sinner gets saved by putting her trust in Jesus Christ for forgiveness of sins! We do not just add on new religious beliefs once we are saved. Instead, we become completely new people! If sin and shame have gotten you down, you can completely shed your old life and begin a new life with and for Jesus. You will become born-again so that you may live forever in Heaven with God. (John 3:5, John 6:40) Those saved by the blood of Jesus Christ will spend all eternity with no more tears, pain or suffering, worshiping our beloved Lord and Savior in our glorious home in heaven where there will be also be no more darkness. (John 14:2, Rev 21:4, 21:25) Trusting in Jesus Christ, having faith that leads to salvation, simply means believing that Jesus is the true Son of God who was crucified, died and was buried and then rose from the dead so that all of our sins would be blotted out. (Romans 10:9, 10:13) God wants to save you. No matter how bad you are, God wants to save you. No matter how good you think you are, God wants to save you. God loves us so much that even while we are constantly sinning against him, he is drawing us to himself, wanting us to be saved from sin and death. (John 6:44) He is knocking at your door wanting you to let him in. (Rev 3:20) He is offering you a free gift of living water that will satisfy your real thirst, that unvoiced longing in your heart. (Rev 22:17) You will find a peace that you have never known. (Phil 4:7)
Won't you put your faith in Jesus Christ today?